
Friday, August 2, 2013

b l u e b e r r i e s

  I am pretty in love with blueberries. Every summer we make our way out to Carnation at least a few times and pick blueberries until, either, the little one has a melt down or the sun starts to melt me. This one isn't much of a picker, she prefers a shady spot and a steady stream of many berries into her mouth.

   I'm realizing my rural-ness more and more every day. I wanna buy a few acres and a silver stream trailer and start building our little dream farm. Carnation is so close to the city but delightfully country, there's a pretty river, hills, trees and so very much space!

   Hard at work finding the biggest berries in the bunch.

  We came home with a little under 20 lbs. Our freezer is happily stocked full of blue gold and it's been blueberry smoothies daily and I even made some gluten free blueberry muffins when the little ones new teacher stopped by for a visit. I want to make some jam but sweetened with honey and I'm not really sure how to do it so... research is in order, any hints appreciated!
  I'm really excited that I get to take a sweet friend to my favorite blueberry field this weekend (and get more blueberries, cuz the basement freezer still has room!) and explore the river and main street a bit. I spent  a large part of today working on a new zine, the first one in years. happy weekend to you! xo m

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