
Friday, April 16, 2010

happy making...

 I am happiest when I am making things. We try to make something everyday. Doing projects with a tiny helper requires a bit more planning and a lot more time (and patience). My little one really enjoys "helping" in her own way... There is so much she doesn't yet quite understand at 2 years old. But I am always amazing at just how much she does understand!
Getting outside everyday, which is something we do anyway, has gained a bit more purpose or rather intention, lately, since we've joined the outdoor challenge started over at 5 orange potatoes.

  I am really trying to explore the raw foods lifestyle. Today lunch was a delicious green (spinach, chard, banana, apple, almond, mint) smoothie. I feel full and energized. Hopefully, I can detox a bit this way. I know I have a big problem with eating too much sugar. Then there are the multiple food allergies we have in our home...
Kale and tomato seedlings.
See how my calendula potion is looking now? sludge-town...
  Here's my air plant terrarium. That one skinny guy in the center is getting quite leggy and about to make a bloom. It's going to be pink.
  Now back to trying to entertain a sniffly, teething, not too happy gal...

1 comment:

  1. oh i just love that terrarium! i somehow killed my air plant last year, i might have to try another. :)


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