
Sunday, November 10, 2013

tea & toast

  Where have I been? oh thank you for noticing! Over the summer, I kept seeing friends posts about taking blog breaks and thinking hmm... when suddenly one day it made sense.  I sat down to write a post and nothing came, not a thought I needed to share or a question that needed asking, nothing... so I took a bit of a vacation from this space and worked on my fiction/memoir writing a lot.

  I have done so many other things since I last posted here... A few months of an attempted reconciliation with my ex... I don't even know how to get into that... working too much, trying to get through it and make it to the other side, attain a balance of sorts.  I'm trying to decide if and where (neighborhood wise or maybe even further into the country...) we will move to....
  I am mourning the summers passing a bit. Autumn has been rough on us. I was SO SICK and after a week of hardcore antibiotics am starting to feel better but the antibiotics bring with them a bunch of other issues that are no fun at all. And really awful antibiotic nightmares which are terrifying! I haven't taken antibiotics many times but each time I do the side effects seem worse... I've been living on tea and toast. I'm gluten free but for some reason white bread is the only thing that is helping my tummy...
   I have months of pics to edit and many ideas for proper posts. I just wanted to pop in and say hellllllo! I'm back! to those of you who've missed me, and those whom I've missed! xo m

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