
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

chickens, crystals, color!

  I was pretty excited when I found a random chicken in my neighborhood last week. I actually thought she was one of mine and brought her home, thinking she looked prettier than usual, then realized that it was a spry young lady and not mine... I did a little research and found her owners and kinda sadly returned her. My hens were quite happy to see her. Oh how I love a stray!
 Saturday nights get pretty wild around here! A little hand sewing and repairs and tea. I'm trying to finish up the piles and piles of projects.
 This beauty showed up in my mailbox last week! It was such a sweet surprise, I was having a sort of moody, ho-hum day and then I saw a chunky envelope peeking out of my mailbox. The lovely Sadie Rose of Lost Boys & Lovers sent me this magical crystal & feather necklace and I am loving it sooooo! I imagine myself wandering the desert when I put it on. It has deeeep California sunshine vibes. Thank you sweet Sadie!! I feel so happy & grateful for the connections I've made online with other mystical, creative, powerhouse mamas (and some amazing non-mamas too!). This strange internet dimension is wonderful in some ways!
I love this little  trilogy of quartz power! sigh...
 ok, so some hair got colored... not very much. So here's the before...
 and after a little orange & pink...
Hmm, I'm thinking soft lilac all over. This color fades fast! This winter gloom is making me want soft pastel hair like a maniac so I'll just fool around a little... xo m


  1. Oh you look really cute love the color in your hair and nice crystals...Chase the winter blah away hehehe ~and chickens!! I would like some but have yet to take the plunge maybe this spring :D ~ Love Heather


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