
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

clothes, clothes, clothes... shop update.

  taking pictures in the mudroom as it's a freezing wind storm outside and everything keeps trying to blow away...  new in the birds and black fawns shop!

  Not my finest photographic work... After I get home from my trip, I want to get serious (ie, spend a bunch of money on lights, etc) and make an indoor studio so the pictures will get better. The gloomy weather never wants to break when I have time to do photos.... xo


  1. I love the stickers on your doll- truly surreal! poor dolly! (-: and you have a beautiful, well-lit mud room, i have to say..... -Sasha

  2. if my little gal had it her way, our entire abode would be covered-head to toe- in stickers!
    xo m


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