
Sunday, December 5, 2010

autumnal times...

  It feels like I've been away from this space for so long. It's been intense holiday crafting overload around here and I've been making a real effort to work on my writing (fiction & journaling), also, my mans computer cord broke so mine keeps (ahem!) disappearing to the dungeon, I mean basement office and I never want to go down and fetch it so haven't been loading pics much...
  Also, I've been feeling really wonderfully positive and content which is not really my normal demeanor but this lovely feeling has been around me for about a week and I'm going to embrace the vibe and roll with it. I feel happy! I've been trying TRYING!! to be super mindful and in the moment and kind and calm. Also, The tv has been OFF and we've been really trying to live the Waldorf way as our little one seems to respond so well to it...
 My mess of ribbons, sequins, fabric... love the looks of a textile mess.
 We made little lanterns for martinmas and went on a lantern walk around a bubbling bog as sundown. It was magically rad!

 It snowed a couple days before thanksgiving. I'm guessing there will be more, our winter has been so very cold this year, er... I mean our Autumn...
 The day after the snow first fell we awoke to all our windows being covered in ice.

 The chickens did not enjoy it one bit, got frozen wattles and now are very spoilt with their very own heat lamp which will most likely stay on till spring comes...
 Here I am so so cold. It's amazing how much a difference a few degrees makes. I enjoy the upper 30s a good bit but on this day it was 24 degrees and I was very uncomfortable and ill clothes and not loving it...

 Do cats go out in the snow? I didn't let mine out since they're not used to that much cold. They laid around, bummed.
 We didn't get too much outside time in that week so much fun was had clomping around in mama's shoes.
 I'm planning a winter solstice party and I can't wait to make a bunch of festive barks, brittles, candies, hot drinks and... who knows what else!!
  Loving this season and all the magic it brings!

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