
Friday, August 27, 2010

cozy time.

 We've been making an effort to take extra long walks and explore the neighborhoods of Seattle a bit more. There are so many things you miss when you are driving through and now that my little lady is almost 2 1/2, her legs can handle a small walk all on her own, as long as it's interesting.
We looked at this chair tree a long time. I've been by this way so many times but never noticed the dozen or so chairs wedged and tied to this tree. It was hard to get a good picture but it was really lovely! So Fremont! Fremont is a sweet little neighborhood and they have the yummiest vegan/gluten free bakery. Flying Apron is our special treat stop. We get to go today to pick up Daddy's cake. mmmm...
  A few days ago was, I think, our last sunny day. Hopefully the tomatoes got enough sun to keep ripening or else I need to start researching green tomato recipes... There are still hundreds (we have 13 tomato plants) of green ones in various shapes and sizes.
  Shady cat nap spot. All the wasps and hornets have moved out, this chair was formerly one of their favorite spots. Tommy loves to nap under it on warm days.
Finally, ripe tomatoes. WE slow roasted them in the oven. so so good!
  Try as I might, I was unable to get a picture that capture the magic and immenseness of this tree. It's in our neighbors back yard and it's just HUGE. On warm breezy days, it's magical to lay on a blanket and listen to the whispering rustle of the leaves. I look at this tree and focus on it and I can imagine all the houses and pavement and man made things falling away and just picture this place as it once was, an untamable forest. I want to go there. I want that so badly.
  Someday we'll have it. For now we're in the city and have to take the trees where we find them, and there are many, but soon we'll have a home where there are more trees than houses! We're working towards that.
  My favorite kind of mess!
  I'm trying to make as many bags and clothes as possible so I can update my handmade etsy store and for bootyland and for a trunk show my friend is organizing in november. My etsy vintage store is doing well and I feel so  happy about that. Selling to vintage stores is something I just don't want to do anymore and it looks like, if I concentrate on these other options, I won't need to. Thankfully!

I'm trying to decide if I should put the heat on for a little bit. It's so crisp in here. I am wanting some hot apple cider or hot cocoa or well, a mocha. With all the other dietary restrictions we've imposed, a little coffee once in a while will have to be allowed.


  1. oh my goodness those little drawstring bags are good. i see the unicorn that i love so much. i want one.

    that tree chair is crazy. how do they get them up there now i wonder.

  2. When I first saw the chair tree I thought the chars were nailed to it but they're just fitted in with branches and wedged and some of the unstable ones tied w rope. it's a funny tree. crazy hippie on a ladder project for sure...


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